Leap Helps Integra Launch New Business Line

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Integra, a surgical instruments manufacturer, reached out to Leap to help them with the launch of their new business line. This new line provides on-site instrument repair and replacement services for surgical steel instruments.

For a hospital to work seamlessly, a lot of work has to happen behind the scenes – just as a duck is peacefully floating above water, yet vigorously paddling below. You don’t see all the hard work, but it is definitely there!

We partnered with Brandwidth and Market Vision to deliver beyond the client’s expectations to create engagement that required research, concepts, logos, icons, brochures, a video and more. The catch? We had to develop all of this for their sales conference in just six weeks.

Rather than providing Integra with a PowerPoint, Leap and Leapframe created a video that the client was ecstatic to share at their sales conference.

With such a tight timeline, you’ll sink or swim. Integra, Leap, Leapframe, Brandwidth and Market Vision came out swimming. Stay tuned for the video.